Technical information

ArchiveReady provides all interested users a JSON REST API to use the website archivability testing tool via their software.

Example check of http://vbanos.gr/


Results sample

    "test": {
        "Standards_Compliance": 81,
        "website_archivability": 81,
        "Metadata_weight": "MEDIUM",
        "Standards_Compliance_weight": "MEDIUM",
        "Accessibility": 74,
        "Accessibility_weight": "MEDIUM",
        "Cohesion": 69,
        "Cohesion_weight": "MEDIUM",
        "Metadata": 100
    "url": "http:\/\/vbanos.gr\/welcome\/",
    "messages": [
            "title": "2 RSS found in your website.",
            "facets": [
            "level": 100,
            "tag": null,
            "weight": "LOW",
            "message": "RSS are an easy way for web bots to learn about available web pages so that they can more intelligently crawl a site.",
            "ref": "http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/RSS"
            "title": "Valid Feed http:\/\/vbanos.gr\/en\/feed\/.",
            "facets": [
            "level": 100,
            "tag": null,
            "weight": "MEDIUM",
            "message": "Feeds which conform with standards have a higher possibility to be parsed correctly.",
            "ref": "http:\/\/validator.w3.org\/feed\/check.cgi?url=http:\/\/vbanos.gr\/en\/feed\/"
            "title": "Invalid Feed http:\/\/vbanos.gr\/en\/comments\/feed\/. Located 1 errors, 0 warnings.",
            "facets": [
            "level": 0,
            "tag": null,
            "weight": "MEDIUM",
            "message": "Feeds which conform with standards have a higher possibility to be parsed correctly.",
            "ref": "http:\/\/validator.w3.org\/feed\/check.cgi?url=http:\/\/vbanos.gr\/en\/comments\/feed\/"
            "title": "There are \"Disallow:\" commands in your robots.txt file",
            "facets": [
            "level": 0,
            "tag": null,
            "weight": "MEDIUM",
            "message": "Disallow: \/wp-admin\/
Disallow: commands are used to block web bots from specific website areas. They may cause web archiving problems.", "ref": "http:\/\/www.robotstxt.org\/robotstxt.html" } }


The ArchiveReady API is free for limited / home use.

Large scale use of the API as well as technical and scientific support is available on a fee.

Please contact the author to learn more.