Is your website Archive Ready?

What is ArchiveReady?

An online tool which evaluates if a website will be archived correctly by web archives, such as the Internet Archive.

Who is it for?

Web professionals who need to check if their websites are archive ready.
Web archive engineers who need to evaluate target websites before harvesting and ingestion.
Students who need to learn more about digital archiving.


I teach a digital curation tools course, and one of the assignments involves web archiving. My students use ArchiveReady to determine potential problems with the sites they have chosen for their web archive collections. It's simple to use, and an exceptional tool!

Alyce L. Scott, Lecturer, School of Information, San Jose State University

Service started in 2012/10/01, websites checked: 171867, software version: 4.1.

Why bother?

Because not all websites are archive ready and this may result in invalid web archives and ultimately in information loss.

How does it work?

ArchiveReady analyses your website (i.e. HTML, Images, CSS, JS, Sitemaps) and performs complex evaluations in order to calculate Website Archivability from a set of Archivability Facets: Accessibility, Cohesion, Metadata & Standards Compliance.

Do you need more information?

Banos V., Manolopoulos Y., Web Content Management Systems Archivability, ADBIS 2015. BIB.

Banos V., Manolopoulos Y.: A quantitative approach to evaluate Website Archivability using the CLEAR+ method, International Journal on Digital Libraries, 2015, Springer Link, BIB.

Banos V., Kim Y., Ross S., Manolopoulos Y.: CLEAR: a credible method to evaluate website archivability, iPRES 2013, PDF, BIB.

How much does it cost?

Its completely FREE for personal use. Large scale use of the API as well as technical and scientific support is available on a fee. Please contact the author.